USC Programming Contest


Recent News (09/30/2023)

The Fall 2024 Programming Contest was held on Sunday, September 29, 2024. Follow the link to see the problem set, Sample I/O, and results. The next contest is planned for some time in Spring 2024. Sign up for the contest mailing list below to be kept up to date on future contests.


Have fun!
Extend your resume!
Show how smart you are!
Impress your friends!
Win gift cards and other prizes!
Represent USC at the International Collegiate Programming Contest!

Do you like to solve problems like the following ones?

  • To pay your friends a dollar, you can give them, for example, four quarters, or five dimes and ten nickels. Write a program that calculates how many different combinations of coins there are that make up a given amount of money (say, 20 dollars) from pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.
  • You are given the description of a lake as a polygon, as well as your own position in a boat somewhere on the lake. When you throw a rock in the water, the waves travel away from the impact point at a speed of 1 meter per second. Write a program to calculate the earliest time at which a wave will hit the shore.
  • You are given the names of n people who are to be divided into k alphabetical segments, for instance, to stand in line for registration at USC. An "alphabetical segment" consists of all people whose last name starts with a letter between two given endpoints (for example, D-H). Write a program that finds a division into k alphabetical segments such that each person is in exactly one segment, and the number of people in the largest segment is minimized.

Participate in the USC Programming Contest!

The contest is open to all undergraduate and graduate USC students, regardless of major, as long as they were born in (current year - 23) or later, or started college for the first time (in any subject) in (current year - 4) or later.

We use the USC Programming Contests to pick students that we train for the ICPC Regional Programming Contest. If you like all details of the USC Programming Contests and would like to keep updated about the contests, you can subscribe to the USC contest mailing list.

The USC Programming Contests are organized by David Kempe and the USC ACM student chapter. Please e-mail for more information.

Overview Details Rules

Sponsors in Spring 2019
Electronic Arts
Northrop Grumman
Marconi Foundation
